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PUF: The Chip Fingerprint for AI Security


第 1 天 11/13 (五) 11:50-12:30 於 R1


As high-performance computing and communications technology progresses, a wider range of artificial intelligence applications shows promise. Through collected data , training models built in the cloud and inference models stored in edge devices are making machines smarter and more suitable for different environments and uses. Examples include autonomous vehicles, drones, factory automation, robotic surgery, AI-assisted medical diagnostics and many more.

These innovations should make our lives so much simpler. However, if such systems are compromised by adversaries or hackers, all these advantages will instead become risks to our safety. Without security, AI will be a disaster.

In this presentation, I will describe some of the risks involving AI without security. I will also present the requirements for secure AI. We will examine threat models and remedies. More importantly, I will demonstrate how our innovative PUF (Physically Unclonable Function) technology can be used as a chip fingerprint to serve as a root-of-trust for AI security applications.


  • 徐清祥
  • 力旺電子 / 董事長
  • 徐清祥博士現任力旺電子董事長,於 2000 年創立力旺電子至今,帶領團隊共同努力,致力研發邏輯製程非揮發性記憶體技術及矽智財,榮獲多項國內外技術創新獎項,並成為亞洲最大矽智財公司,也是全球最大的邏輯製程非揮發性記憶體矽智財廠商。徐博士在半導體元件的領域擁有多項發明,包括力旺的核心 OTP (One Time Programmable) 和晶片指紋 PUF (Physically Unclonable Function) 技術。這些核心技術提供了晶片安全的信任根 (Root of Trust),是未來萬物聯網安全運作所必須。由於其在 PUF 之應用於晶片安全有深入的研究,徐博士經常受邀於研討會,主講 PUF 相關之晶片安全議題,如:ICCAD, SEMICON Taiwan、資策會主辦之 5G Workshop 和 VLSI-TSA 等。

    徐清祥博士 1981 年畢業於台灣清華大學電機系,1983 年赴美於伊利諾依大學香檳校區電機系深造,1987 年取得博士學位,並於同年加入美國紐約州 IBM T. J. 華生研究中心,擔任研究員。1992 年他接受母校清華大學之邀,回台於清大電機系任教。從 1992 年至 2000 年,徐博士擔任過清大創新育成中心主任、建教合作中心主任及電子工程研究所所長。榮獲國科會傑出研究獎和產學合作卓越獎。從 2000 年至 2020 年,除了擔任力旺電子總經理、董事長外,亦擔任過電腦公會常務理事、國家研究院董事,並獲國家發明創作金牌獎、清華大學傑出校友、潘文淵文教基金會 ERSO Award 及美洲中國工程師學會傑出成就獎等獎項。