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AI at the Edge: A hoax or the answer (邊緣人工智慧: 騙局或是答案)


第 2 天 11/14 (六) 14:30-15:10 於 R1


AI is arguably the most popular "buzz word" in both traditional and high-tech industries. From the persepectives of traditional industries, AI seems to be the answer of digital transformation. From the perspectives of high-tech. companies, AI is deemed as a technological enabler for all "cool" applications. However, as waking up from the hype of the internet-of-things (IoT) era, people start to cautiously evaluate the true value of AI in the next "gold rush". In this talk, Prof. Chou provides his insights to the value creation of AI --- through a real case-study, and shows how a right integration of AI/connectivity/edge computing could be the answer to real-world business challenges.


  • 周俊廷
  • 台灣大學電信所 / 副教授
  • 周俊廷教授為美國密西根大學安納堡分校博士,身為 NTUEE 國立台灣大學電機系電信所教授,曾獲得 98 年、99 年與 101 年台大教學優良獎、潘文淵基金會物聯網創新應用獎科技部、學術創業先鋒獎等肯定。專長為無線網路通訊協定、超高速個人無線區域網路等等。

    然而身為一位工程師與教授,周老師一直希望能在學術圈外產生更大的影響,並且總是有很多瘋狂的想法,且有實行它們的方法。最終雖然歷經波折但秉持著拒絕放棄的精神,創立了 OmniEyes 動見科技,成為共同創辦人,並且公司成功得到全球最大消費電子產品展 CES 2019 創新獎的肯定,為人師表同時也為台灣科技產業帶來創新。