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製造數據科學 - 運用領域知識強化數據科學 (15:20-15:50)


第 1 天 11/13 (五) 15:00-15:40 於 R3


製造數據科學常見的問題包括了需求預測與採購決策、良率改善與品質管制、機台預診斷與健康管理、動作辨識與自動光學檢測、排程及物料搬運最佳化,皆環繞在預測與決策兩大議題上,在預測議題中,現今已發展出眾多預測力極高的模型 (深度學習、梯度提升機、支持向量機),然而除了關注模型的設計與訓練外,我們該如何藉由領域知識進一步提升數據的質與量?另一方面,預測模型強健的預測力往往犧牲的是解釋力,解釋性人工智慧能如何協助我們使用領域知識提升對模型的解釋與信任?預測與決策的本質又是什麼?


  • 洪佑鑫 個人網站 https://www.linkedin.com/in/hungyuhsin/
  • 台灣大學資訊管理學系 / 專任研究助理
  • Yu-Hsin Hung is a data scientist. He is currently a research assistant in the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan. He received the B.S. degree in Statistics and the M.S. degree in Manufacturing Information and Systems from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, in 2017 and 2019, respectively. His research interests include statistics, optimization theory, intelligent manufacturing systems, and data science.

    He received the 2019 Master Thesis Award at Production System Session from Chinese Institute of Industry Engineers (CIIE) and the membership in the Phi Tau Phi scholastic honor society, also in 2019. [polab.im.ntu.edu.tw 連結]

  • 同場講者: 劉政惠